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Update on the Emergency Response to the Eagle Gold Mine Crisis

On June 24, 2024, the heap leach facility at Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine experienced a catastrophic failure. As a result, millions of tonnes of cyanide-solution laden ore has come into contact with the land and waterways on the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun's Traditional Territory.

The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun (FNNND) remains actively involved in ongoing mitigation and remediation efforts at the Eagle Gold Mine site, including ongoing environmental monitoring.

As part of existing and new cooperation agreements, work has been done to ensure that NND Citizen owned businesses, and NNDDC preferred partners have been prioritized contractors. The following contractors are currently active on site: PricewaterhouseCoopers, White Water Management, Aria Filtra, Arctic Sky Welding, Northern Cascade (NND Citizen owned), Stantec, Ewing Transport Ltd., Too Tall Construction (NND Citizen owned), AUL (NNDDC preferred partner), ATCO (NNDDC preferred partner), Small's Expediting (NNDDC preferred partner), Underhill Geomatic (NNDDC preferred partner), Pelly Construction (NNDDC preferred partner), SHE Consulting, Finning, Mayo Fuels (NND Citizen owned), Trail Blazer, Tuchone Air Leasing (NNDDC joint corporation).

FNNND is committed to providing consistent and on-going public updates regarding the response to the Eagle Mine disaster, including on our recently-launched web page where members of the public can learn more about what is happening, what still needs to be done, and the items that NND is advocating for. For more information, please visit:

Update on Activity at Eagle Mine Site


The safety berm construction is now complete. This is a critical piece of infrastructure meant to protect the main camp and key work areas on site. No stabilization work of the heap leach has occurred. A new radar-based monitoring system has been implemented in order to collect better information concerning the stability of the heap and so anticipate any risk of a potential second slide.


Storage on site remains the only method to contain the cyanide solution. The current pond capacities as of January 15, 2025 are:
● Events Pond – 288,000 m3
● Control Pond – 60,000 to 90,000 m3
● IROSA Pond 1 (new) – 27,000 m3
● Pit Pond 1 (new) – 190,000 m3
● IROSA Pond 2 (new) – 95,000 m3
● Storage by recirculating to heap - About 250,000 m3

FNNND has concerns regarding the amount of solution that is recirculating on the heap, including how this recirculation is being impacted by winter temperatures. In December, a leak was detected from IROSA Pond 2. FNNND is deeply concerned that this may worsen contaminant levels in Haggart Creek.

Water Treatment

Contaminated Water Treatment
The contaminated water treatment system is now operational and capable of treating cyanide and most other contaminants. It is currently operating at a capacity of 3,000 m3 per day with an increase to 6,000 m3 expected soon. Treated water still has copper that exceeds the discharge standards, so treated water with high copper levels is being stored in IROSA Pond 2, which as mentioned is experiencing leakage.

Treated Water Discharge
The Yukon Water Board approved less stringent discharge standards for cyanide and copper in Victoria Gold’s water licence on an emergency basis. This emergency licence amendment applies up to March 15, before grayling move into Haggart Creek, and is meant to allow water discharges to Haggart Creek to reduce the dangerous strain on onsite storage ponds. The licence provides that discharged water must not be fatal to fish. FNNND provided input to the Yukon Water Board about monitoring, conditions, and potential impacts of the emergency license amendment.

FNNND's Water Monitoring Update

An extensive water monitoring program continues as Haggart Creek is experiencing increasing containment levels that exceed the water quality guidelines as described under the Protection of Aquatic Life prepared by the CCME. The contaminants include cyanide, copper, and mercury. It is important to note that these levels are concentrated to regions near the Eagle Gold Mine site and not further afield.

To manage this contamination, groundwater and contaminated surface water collection remain critical activities. Groundwater wells are in place for collection with some pumps installed, but pumps have not been connected yet.

FNNND's Aquatic Health & Fish Monitoring Update

Fish Monitoring
Due to seasonal limitations, there was no new sampling of fish and fish habitat during the past week. The Government of Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is working on a project to model Chinook winter habitat use in Haggart Creek and the South McQuesten River.

Other Aquatic Life
There were no new surveys of other aquatic life during the past week. Teams made up of staff and contractors from FNNND, DFO, and Yukon Government’s (YG’s) Departments of Environment and Energy, Mines & Resources EMR have finished sampling of benthic invertebrates (insects that live in creek bottoms) in the Haggart Creek watershed and at a couple of sites on the South McQuesten River.

FNNND's Wildlife Monitoring Update

Unlike heavy metals, cyanide does not build up or “bioaccumulate” in terrestrial animals. Therefore, it is FNNND’s recommendation that wildlife in the area remains safe to hunt and eat. FNNND will continue to monitor the situation and announce any changes to this recommendation.

FNNND, in collaboration with the Yukon Government Department of Environment, has launched a Wildlife Contaminants Monitoring Program. Hunters are asked to participate and can pick up a testing kit from the FNNND Lands office, or YG's Environment office in Mayo or Whitehorse.

The specific samples the program is looking for will come from caribou and moose harvested anywhere in the McQuesten River watershed. Samples requested from each animal harvested are 1 kidney (with surrounding fat), 1 chunk of liver (about the size of a 500g butter cube), 1 chunk of hindquarter meat (500g), and the front of the lower jaw (with incisor teeth).

Independent Review & Policy Changes

On August 30, YG launched an Independent Review Board (“IRB”) under the Guidelines for Mine Waste Management Facilities, to investigate the technical causes of the Eagle Gold Mine heap leach failure. The FNNND has not been informed of how the IRB is progressing, a final report is expected for June 2025.

On September 6, FNNND released an open letter expressing the Nation's concern that the scope of the IRB’s investigation is insufficient and fails to consider the systemic issues that may have contributed to the collapse, including the role of YG’s regulatory oversight.

FNNND continues to advocate for the establishment of an independent public inquiry with robust investigative powers pursuant to the Public Inquiries Act, to undertake a comprehensive investigation into all contributing factors to the Eagle Gold Mine catastrophe.